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[Letter] 1965 January 18, Amsterdam [to] Mr. Chaplin / G. Sluizer - ECCI00013656

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Information concerning Chaplin's visit to Amsterdam for the Erasmus Prize. Description of the Praemium Erasmianum, which in the past was warded to Robert Schuman, Karl Jaspers, Marc Chagall, Oskar Kokoschka, Romano Guardini, Martin Buber and to the International Academic Union. In 1965, the Erasmus Prize is going to honour the youngest of arts - cinematography - and the prize will be awarded to Chaplin and Ingmar Bergmann.

Signed typescript (original)
The attachment is missing.
Stichting Praemium Erasmianum

3 leaves ; 29 cm.

ECCI00013656, CH131