The Chaplin office in Paris is home to the company Roy Export S.A.S., copyright owner of the films of Charles Chaplin made from 1918 onwards (except A Countess from Hong Kong), from the time when he owned his own studios, including his most famous titles such as The Kid, The Gold Rush, City Lights, The Circus, Modern Times, The Great Dictator, Monsieur Verdoux, and Limelight.

Roy Export's mother company Roy Export Company Ltd owns the Chaplin archives, both from the Chaplin studios and Chaplin's more private life which you can browse on this website.

The Chaplin office works for Bubbles Incorporated S.A. owner by assignment from Chaplin himself of trademark, service mark, publicity and related rights to his name, likeness and personality and those of his little tramp character, and also of the merchandising rights thereto and also represents the Association Chaplin (whose members are some of Chaplin's children and grandchildren, which protects the moral right relating to his work and image), and the Chaplin family.

All important decisions concerning the Association, the above companies and the licences they grant to third parties are taken by six out of Charlie and Oona’s eight children. The six children’s children -i.e. most of Chaplin’s grandchildren – are kept informed of the activities and licences via email and sometimes give opinions, but do not (as yet) take any decisions.

If you would care to contact us you can do so by writing to us here.